Business Intelligence Assessment

Your Score: 0*

This score indicates that your organization would benefit from a business intelligence strategy. Your current reporting tools and methods may not be sufficient to provide you with the real-time insights and competitive advantage you need moving forward.

What should I do next?

Additional Information

What is Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence Examples

Top 12 Business Intelligence Platforms


* Your compatability score out of a total score of 25

Schedule a 30-Minute Call to Learn How BI Can Transform Your Business

During the call we will save you time and will cover the following:

  • Review your current situation
  • Discuss what BI tools and strategies best fit your needs
  • Implementation timeline and costs
  • Answer any questions you may have



TRC Group helped a local hospital transform its monthly Board of Directors report from a manual process that took more than a day into a real-time, customizable web-based dashboard.

The Old Process

The existing process pulled data from multiple applications using Crystal Reports to output a variety of CSV source files. The raw data was then brought into Excel for further manipulation and chart building.

The finished scores and charts were then manually transferred to a PowerPoint presentation after month end. Scores were only available at the end of the month.

The New Process

TRC Group set up nightly automated processes to integrate the data from every source so that data was near real-time.

An internal web dashboard was created with sparkline charts to match the formatting of the PowerPoint presentation.

The access to the dashboard was only available internally and with network credentials for compliance and security reasons. This dashboard was available 24/7 for review and to check on progress throughout the month.

At month end, support staff simply copied and pasted the web page into the PowerPoint presentation for the snapshot to be available in perpetuity.

The Results

Significant productivity gains were made in this repeated process freeing up more time for their data analyst.

The real-time data access allowed issues with data to be surfaced more quickly so that they could be addressed before the publishing deadline.

The automation eliminated errors caused by the manual process.

Learn More About How BI Can Transform Your Business.

We’re here to help you make sense of the opportunities and options that Business Intelligence offers. Schedule a 30-minute call with one of our BI experts, so that you’re well-informed as you evaluate your next steps.